Terms and conditions



The website UL Propuls (ul-propuls.events) is edited by UL PROPULS, whose headquarters are located at 34, cours Léopold – 54000 Nancy - France

UL PROPULS is a Simplified joint stock companie registered as follows:

  • SIRET number: 904 353 976 000 15
  • Intra-Community VAT: FR 70 904 353 976
  • NAF Code: 7022Z
  • Publication manager: Anthony Biget
  • Phone: +33 (0)3 72 74 38 88
  • Email: contact[@]ul-propuls.fr



The Participant is defined as any individual participating in his or her own name or on behalf of a legal entity (company, laboratory, corporation, or manufacturer) in an event organized by or with the logistical support of UL PROPULS. The Participant is required to attend conferences (physical or virtual), to take part in the various animations of the scientific and social program, but also to intervene within the framework of oral or poster communication according to the selected scientific program.

The Exhibitor is defined as any individual participating on behalf of a legal entity (company, laboratory, corporation, or manufacturer) as a stakeholder in an event organized by or with the logistical support of UL PROPULS. The modalities of this participation are detailed in a partnership file. For greater readability, regardless of the type of offer selected (financial support, partner, sponsors, grant, exhibitor), the generic term Exhibitor will be used hereafter in these terms and conditions.

The Event is defined as any event organized by or with the logistic support of UL PROPULS. These events can take different forms: seminar, technical day, summer school, congress, workshop, round table, or general assembly. An Event can take place in a manner that is physical, hybrid (physical and virtual), or virtual only.


The present terms and conditions, to the exclusion of any other provision, apply to the registration of one or more Participants for an Event organized by UL PROPULS, hereinafter referred to as the "Participant", or to any participation by a stakeholder or Exhibitor in the form of a partnership, hereinafter referred to as the "Exhibitor".

  1. The terms and conditions can be consulted on the Event’s website at the following address: https://www.ul-propuls.fr/cgv/
  2. Completion of online registration implies unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions in their entirety.
  3. UL PROPULS reserves the right to modify the terms of the present conditions. Only the terms and conditions in effect on the day of registration will apply to the registration concerned.



Registration as a Participant may be done online by completing the form available on the Event’s website.



Registration as an Exhibitor may be done either by completing the form directly online on the Event’s website, or by returning the reservation form by email to the dedicated email address of the congress secretariat or to events@ul-propuls.fr.



A registration will be considered to be late if submitted less than 14 calendar days before the Event by a Participant and less than 45 days before the Event by an Exhibitor. Special conditions of payment apply to all late registrations, which are described below in article 4.5 Late registration payment.



Participant registration fees should be made payable to UL PROPULS in full without discount. Incomplete registration submissions or those not accompanied by full payment under the conditions specified below will not be considered.



Exhibitor registration fees should be made payable to UL PROPULS in full without discount. Incomplete registration submissions or those not accompanied by full payment under the conditions specified below will not be considered. The partnership, whatever its nature, is only confirmed valid upon receipt of payment from the Exhibitor by UL PROPULS. None of the compensatory measures proposed (for example, logo publication) will be allowed until the total payment has been made.



Payments must be made no later than:

  • 60 calendar days before the event for a Participant or an Exhibitor


Payment may be made by:

  • Purchase order

To pay by purchase order, please submit a purchase order that includes the name of the Event concerned, the name of the Participant or Exhibitor, a reference number for the purchase order or invoice, the amount to be paid, and the complete billing address with corresponding VAT number (if applicable) to: UL PROPULS, 34, cours Léopold 54000 NANCY – FRANCE / email: events[@]ul-propuls.fr


  • Bank transfer

To pay by bank transfer, please specify the name of the Event concerned, the name of the Participant or Exhibitor, a reference number for the order or invoice, in the bank references section. Please note that bank charges are the responsibility of the sender: please ensure that the payment includes all charges, including the receiving bank’s handling fee (« sender pays all charges »).

×          Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne

×          IBAN : FR76 1470 7000 2033 0213 5263 925

×          Swift code : CCBPFRPPMTZ


  • Check (exclusively for Participants residing in France)

Checks should be made payable to UL PROPULS. Please include the following information on the back of the check: the name of the Event, the name of the Participant or Exhibitor and the order or invoice reference number.

Checks should be sent by post to: UL PROPULS, 34, cours Léopold - 54000 NANCY, France



  • Credit card, secure online payment

To by pay credit card, simply follow the online instructions. Please note that it is important to select the payment by credit card option before completing the payment process.


UL PROPULS will accept only one method of payment per registration.


Once a payment has been made, a full refund will only be issued in cases specified in Articles 9, 10, 11 and 12 hereof.



Late registration payment must reach UL PROPULS’s account (via payment by credit card, bank transfer or purchase order) within 7 working days following the reception by UL PROPULS of the registration.


Once the Participant has registered, UL PROPULS will send him/her a registration confirmation validating his/her registration for the chosen Event (the “Registration Confirmation”).

The contract is considered definitively concluded when UL PROPULS sends the Confirmation of Payment, subject to the correct collection of payment.


Registration fees are per Participant and/or per Exhibitor, all taxes included (TTC). UL PROPULS reserves the right to modify its fees at any time. The applicable fees are those in effect at the time of registration (fees listed on the UL PROPULS website at the time of registration or listed on the registration form received by the Participant or Exhibitor). They include all services described on the dedicated Event registration website.


In case of necessity, and in particular in case of minor changes to the Event program (absence of one of the speakers, substitution of an invited speaker, scheduling changes), UL PROPULS reserves the right to modify programming for the Event in question without being held accountable for refunds or any other additional compensation for the Participant or the Exhibitor.


UL PROPULS reserves the right to refuse a Participant his or her registration for the Event or for one of its options (evening reception, visit, lunch, etc.) if the reception capacities initially planned or amended by decision of the public authority are exceeded.

Similarly, UL PROPULS reserves the right to refuse an Exhibitory the right to participate in the Event if the reception capacities initially planned or amended by decision of the public authority are exceeded. This right also applies in case of unavailability of the proposed services (in particular in case of exclusivity pertaining to certain partnership offers).

In case of payment but unavailability of a place, UL PROPULS will inform the Participant or Exhibitor and reimburse the registration fee without penalty in accordance with the reimbursement terms described in Article 13.


The person or company registered as a Participant or Exhibitor has the right of withdrawal which can be exercised within 14 calendar days of online registration, without having to justify a reason. The Participant or Exhibitor who wishes to withdraw from registration must notify UL PROPULS within the legal deadlines indicated above by returning the standard form available below to the following address: UL PROPULS, 34, cours Léopold, 54000 Nancy, France, or by email to events[@]ul-propuls.fr. Upon receipt of this form, UL PROPULS will proceed with reimbursement according to the methods described in Article 13.

In the event that the 14-day withdrawal period mentioned above has expired and the Participant wishes to cancel his/her participation in the Event, he/she must inform UL PROPULS by email. UL PROPULS will then proceed with processing fee reimbursement in accordance with the conditions specified in Articles 10 and 13.

Registration withdrawal form

I hereby give notice that I wish to exercise my right of withdrawal regarding the following online registration:

  • Title of the Event:
  • Registration fee selected:
  • Additional services:
  • Participant’s name and contact information:
  • Order confirmation date:
  • Order reference:
  • Date of request for withdrawal:

Participants submitting a request to withdraw their registration are asked to include with their registration withdrawal request a copy of the initial Registration Confirmation and a valid RIB (bank account details) to facilitate reimbursement of registration fees, according to terms of reimbursement defined in Article 13.


Notice of all cancellations must be submitted in writing (by mail or email). Cancellation fees are subject to the following conditions:

Cancellation of registration to the Event by the Participant

- Cancellation up to 60 calendar days before the event: full refund, less a €50 handling fee.  

- Cancellation between D-59 and D-31 calendar days before the event: 70% refund, less a €50 handling fee.  

- Cancellation between D-30 and D-16 calendar days before the event: refund of 50% of the registration fee paid, with a minimum deduction of 50€.

- Cancellation less than 15 calendar days before the event: no refund possible, excluding the legal 14-day cooling-off period. 

If the conditions for reimbursement are met, UL PROPULS will process a refund for the amount due according to the methods described in Article 13.



In the event that UL PROPULS is obliged to cancel the Event for reasons other than force majeure events* or circumstances beyond its control, UL PROPULS undertakes to inform the Participants and Exhibitors as soon as possible. The latter will then be reimbursed their registration fees in full, excluding all other expenses (accommodation, transport or other) in according to terms of reimbursement described in Article 13.


In the event that UL PROPULS is obliged to postpone the Event for reasons other than force majeure events* or circumstances beyond its control, UL PROPULS undertakes to notify the Participants, Exhibitors and accompanying persons as soon as possible.

By default, Participants’ and Exhibitors’ registrations are automatically maintained for the next edition.

Upon request by email, Participants may cancel their participation and at that time the terms and conditions set out in Article 10 shall apply.

*Force majeure events: a force majeure is a contractual provision which excuses one or both parties’ performance obligations when circumstances arise which are beyond the parties’ control and make performance of the contract impractical or impossible. For example: natural disasters (storm, hurricane), political events (war, terrorism), and other major unforeseen events such as fire, disease or epidemics.


In the event that the Event is postponed or cancelled due to force majeure as defined in Article 1218 of the French Civil Code as an event beyond the control of the affected party that could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract and whose effects could not be avoided by appropriate measures, the responsibility of UL PROPULS cannot be engaged and no reimbursement of registration fees or any other expenses (accommodation, transport or other) will be due.

*Force majeure events: a force majeure is a contractual provision which excuses one or both parties’ performance obligations when circumstances arise which are beyond the parties’ control and make performance of the contract impractical or impossible. For example: natural disasters (storm, hurricane), political events (war, terrorism), and other major unforeseen events such as fire, disease or epidemics.


  1. UL PROPULS will process the partial or total refund of registration fees described in the present terms and conditions within 14 calendar days upon receipt of the necessary elements allowing for the refund.
  2. If the payment of the registration was made by credit card, applicable fees will be refunded by crediting this credit card provided that the payment card is still valid.
  3. For any other type of payment, a refund will be issued by bank transfer, provided that the following elements have been communicated correctly:

- Name and precise contact details of the bank

- Account holder’s name and contact information

- IBAN, Swiftcode of the bank, and depending on the country, the ABA code

Additional fees associated with exchange rates will be the responsibility of the Participant or the company.

  1. No refunds will be issued by check or cash, neither in France nor abroad.


Registration to an event hosted by UL PROPULS implies the acceptance of the following conditions:

  1. Each registration is valid only for the Event mentioned therein and will not apply to any other Event.
  2. The Participant will be issued with an access badge allowing him/her to participate in the EventThis badge is personal, non-transferable and must be worn for the duration of the Event.
  3. The Participant or Exhibitor undertakes to comply with the rules of life and general safety instructions in effect on the Event site. UL PROPULS reserves the right to exclude any person who does not respect this commitment.


  1. All presentations made by speakers, as well as any documents diffused during the Event pertaining to their presentation are protected by copyright pursuant to Articles L 111-1 and in accordance with the French Intellectual Property Code. Pursuant to Article L 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code « any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, which is not expressly authorized, constitutes an infringement of intellectual property rights ». Pursuant to Article L 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, only « copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the copying party and not intended for collective use » and « analyses and short quotations », « provided that the author name and source be shown clearly”. Any unauthorized representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, that does not comply with current legislation constitutes an infringement punishable by Articles 335-2 and L 335-3 of the Intellectual Property Code. The Participant is solely responsible for any unauthorized use of presentations and documents diffused or distributed during the Event.
  2. All comments and remarks made by the speakers during the Event are under their sole responsibility. It is the responsibility of the Participants and Exhibitors to verify the relevance of the opinions / recommendations made by the speakers. UL PROPULS shall not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by or in connection with the information disseminated or the presentations made during the Event.
  3. UL PROPULS reserves the right to mention the name of the Participant or Exhibitor in the documents intended for the preparation or promotion of the Event. In case of opposition, the Participant or Exhibitor must inform UL PROPULS in writing as soon as possible after his/her registration to the Event has been confirmed and no later than the date of the Event.
  4. Registration and participation in the Congress implies the acceptance by the Participant or Exhibitor to be quoted, photographed or filmed on the occasion of the Congress or its preparation, as well as the acceptance of the use for commercial or non-commercial purposes of the photographs and films by UL PROPULS or by a third party authorized by UL PROPULS.
  5. In the case of oral presentation, the Participant or Exhibitor will be informed upon arrival that UL PROPULS may be required to record their presentation by video and sound, and they will be provided with an image release form authorizing the use by UL PROPULS of any and all photographs, video, voice recordings, or other media taken of Participants including derivative works thereof (collectively, the “Images”). Participants and Exhibitors are free to refuse consent concerning any and all use of images.


  1. All data pertaining to Participants and Exhibitors collected during the registration process is subject to computer processing to improve the registration process (specifically the transfer of documents related to registration and, if necessary, information to facilitate contacting Participants and Exhibitors to inform them of any modifications or cancellations of Events). For this purpose, UL PROPULS has submitted a declaration of intent with the French National Commission of Information and Technology and Liberties (CNIL), filed under registration number 19911175. UL PROPULS shall ensure that all collected data will be kept confidential and are not communicated to potential business partners or any external parties with the exception of use by UL PROPULS to inform past Participants and Exhibitors of announcements, information about upcoming Events and to disseminate semi-annual newsletters. Participants and Exhibitors are free, at any given time, to unsubscribe to the mailing list
  2. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, the Participant or Exhibitor retains the right to access and correct their personal data by sending a request by email to: events[@]ul-propuls.fr. The Participant or Exhibitor may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data relating to him/her by sending an email to the same address.


  1. Regulatory framework

UL PROPULS processes all personal data of Participants and Exhibitors, hereinafter referred to as “Customer data”, in accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016.


  1. The type of information we collect

Customer data collected by UL PROPULS may include the Participant’s or Exhibitor’s full name, title, function or status, email address, date of birth, complete mailing address, phone number, meal preferences and complete information pertaining to his/her company or institution.


  1. How we use Customer data

Customer data are collected for the purposes of supporting and advancing UL PROPULS’s activities in scientific and technological services related to process engineering and the environment (contaminated sites and soils), as well as within the framework of the organization of scientific events.


  1. Recipients

The parties who receive and process Customer data collected by UL PROPULS are those who work within the UL PROPULS communication department, payment service providers (Banque Populaire payment solutions), our computing system maintenance provider (DMConcept) and the UL PROPULS website (https://progep-conf.com) hosting provider (OVH). Data transfers between our service providers are contractually regulated, by law, and are subject to measures ensuring an adequate level of data security.


  1. Storage

In accordance with the data conservation principles (time limits for data storage) of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)(EU) and on the basis of the standard simplified No.48 pertaining to the management of customer lists, data of a personal nature relating to the Client may not be stored beyond the period strictly necessary for the purpose of managing the commercial relationship.


UL PROPULS agrees to contact the Customer after a period of three years following the last event he/she attended to confirm if he/she wishes to continue to receive information from UL PROPULS. In the absence of response, UL PROPULS will archive all said Client data.


Exceptions are data necessary for establishing proof of copyright, or a contract that may be archived, as stipulated by the French Commercial Code and the French Consumer Code relating to contracts that are concluded electronically.


  1. Rights of the person concerned

The Customer has the right to access and rectify data concerning him/her and may also exercise his/her right to obtain the deletion of personal data or the right to be forgotten, as well as the right to portability and the right to object. Requests for more information should be addressed to UL PROPULS, 34, cours Léopold— 54000 Nancy, France or by email to contact[@]ul-propuls.fr.

Lastly, every Customer has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (in France, this is CNIL) concerning processing of his or her personal data.

  1. Lawfulness of personal data processing

The provision of Customer data is necessary for a registration on the UL Propuls (ul-propuls.events) website, specifically for the purpose of printing personalized documents (invoices, name badges and proof of attendance). Finally, data processed by UL PROPULS may also serve certain legal requirements (for taxation documentation purposes or fiscal management).


  1. The present Terms & Conditions are governed by French law.
  2. These Terms & Conditions cancel and replace all previous terms and conditions.
  3. In the event that one of the provisions hereof is considered invalid by virtue of a legal or regulatory provision, present or future, or a court decision with the authority of res judicata and emanating from a competent jurisdiction or body, this provision shall be considered unwritten, all other provisions of the general terms and conditions remaining binding before the Parties.

Date of update: March 18, 2024


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